Air Date: Wednesday, April 19, 2017
During this week’s radio show you will learn about:
- Inspiring curiosity through astrology
- What happens during Mercury Retrograde
- Using Astrology as a means of self-awareness
- Planning during Mercury Retrograde
Chris Flisher is a professional astrologer with a working practice of forty years of clients. Chris uses the information contained in each person's birth (date/place/time) to reveal their true purpose. Astrology provides an amazingly accurate glimpse of the individual's assets and liabilities. With this information, clients can work to their highest potential when the timing is absolutely correct. More here.
Larry Schwimmer is a San Francisco-based astrologer. His astrology readings explain what is happening in your life now and what events will happen in your future. He helps people pick the "best dates" to make successful decisions of all types: personal, career and financial. For the past 6 years, Larry has been the featured astrology columnist for THE HUFFINGTON POST and is the author of the best-selling book: "What the Hell Is Going On in My Life?" More here.