Calming Yourself, Calming Others: Self-Awareness and Diplomacy in These Less Civil Times with Dr Tasha Eurich and Douglas Noll JD, MA

Original Air Date Wednesday October 18, 2017

In this week's episode you will learn about:

What real self-awareness is and why it's so important

The fastest way to de-escalate an argument or conflict

Today's narcissism epidemic and how social media feeds it

Ignoring words, hearing emotions & why you need to do this


Dr. Tasha Eurich is an organizational psychologist, researcher, and New York Times bestselling author. With a PhD in organizational psychology, she is also the founder of The Eurich Group, where she’s helped thousands of leaders and teams improve their effectiveness through greater self-awareness. Dr. Eurich has contributed to Entrepreneur,, and The Huffington Post, and has been featured in outlets such as Forbes, The New York Times, Fast Company, and Inc. More here

Douglas E. Noll JD MA is a lawyer turned peacemaker. His calling is to serve humanity, and he executes his calling at many levels. Doug’s work carries him into many dark places. Using pragmatic and practical skills of peace, he helps people resolve deep interpersonal and ideological conflicts. He is an award-winning author of three books, a teacher, speaker, and a trainer. More here


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