HHTR Flashback Favorite- Making a Millennial Living: How the Gig Economy Offers Financial Opportunity with Natalie Sisson & Diane Mulcahy

Original Air Date Wednesday, August 1, 2018 

In this week's episode you will learn about: 

⦾  Running a successful business from anywhere across the globe

⦾ Connecting without networking

What the “suitcase” life really looks like

⦾ Understanding and thriving in a gig economy

Natalie Sisson is a bestselling author, podcaster, speaker and adventurer who believes everybody has the right to choose freedom in business and adventure in life. Born in New Zealand Natalie’s built her multiple six figure business from her laptop over the last 5 years while living out of her suitcase and showing others how to build a profitable online freedom business. More here.

Diane Mucahy is the author of the book The Gig Economy; The Complete Guide to Getting Better Work, Taking More Time Off, and Financing the Life You Want. She created and has been teaching an MBA class on the Gig Economy for the past five years at Babson College in Boston. More here.

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