Finding Synchronicity: The Connection Between Spirituality, Positive Psychology, and Quantum Physics with Dr. Amit Goswami & Dr. Oliver Robinson

In this week's episode you will learn about: 

⦾ Living in flow

⦾ Misunderstandings about happiness

⦾ Using intuition and intellect

⦾ Personal darkness - how to explore and enjoy it

Theoretical Quantum Physicist Dr. Amit Goswami is a retired full professor from the University of Oregon’s Department of Physics where he served from 1968 to 1997. He is a pioneer of the new paradigm of science called "science within consciousness," an idea he explicated in his seminal book, The Self-Aware Universe, where he also solved the quantum measurement problem elucidating the famous observer effect.

Book: The Quantum Science of Happiness

Dr. Oliver Robinson is a psychologist and interdisciplinary thinker whose work traverses adult development, dialectical thinking, science and spirituality. His latest book, Paths Between Head and Heart, explores the way science and spirituality can contribute complementary perspectives to our understanding of ourselves, and of reality more generally.

 Book: Path Between Head and Heart

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