Exploring the Scientific Formula for Happiness, Transcendental Consciousness, and Enlightenment with Dr. Susan Shumsky & Leonard Perlmutter

In this week's episode you will learn about: 

⦾ Transcendental Meditation

⦾ Connecting with your inner guide

⦾ The 4 Functions of the human mind

⦾ Yoga science

Dr. Susan Shumsky has dedicated her life to helping people take command of their lives in highly effective, powerful, positive ways. She is the best-selling author of 14 books, a pioneer in the human potential field, she has spent 50 years teaching thousands of people meditation, prayer, affirmation and intuition. Dr. Shumsky is a highly respected spiritual teacher, award-winning author, and founder of Divine Revelation® — a unique field-proven technology for contacting the divine presence, hearing and testing the inner voice, and receiving clear divine guidance. For 22 years, her mentor was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who was guru to the Beatles and to Deepak Chopra.

Book: Maharishi and Me: Seeking Enlightenment with the Beatles' Guru

Founder and director of The American Meditation Institute, Leonard Perlmutter is the author of “Transformation” , The Journal of Meditation as Mind-Body Medicine and the award-winning book “The Heart and Science of Yoga®: A Blueprint for Peace, Happiness, and Freedom from Fear.” His Heart and Science of Yoga® entry-level course has been accredited by the Albany Medical College, American Medical Association, American Psychological Association, the Massachusetts Association of Registered Nurses and American Nurses Association to receive medical education credit. Leonard has been a student of Yoga Science since 1975 and a direct disciple of mind-body medicine pioneer Swami Rama of the Himalayas.

Book: The Heart & Science of Yoga: Empowering Self-care Program for a Happy, Healthy, and Joyful Life

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