Last week I took a day off but I was compelled to watch news coverage about the situation unfolding between the US and Afganistan, Australia and the so-called Delta Variant and the response that is happening because of these things around the world.
I was stirred up in various ways. I felt provoked, compassion and was perplexed by things I heard and saw. I was complelled to pray and below is the result of my prayer time:
The Lord is in control!
God has orchestrated all that we see!
Trust and yield to his will!
The enemies of God are increasing their assault against his kingdom because they are actually losing ground. Things are not progressing as planned!
Don't be decieved! Don't believe everything you hear and see! Don't operate in fear!
God is still seperating the goats from the sheep and in doing so he is reducing Gideon's (his) army to reveal his true warriors!
Gideon's army defeated the Midionites and their allies in ancient times! He will defeat his modern day enemies!
Satan is defeated! Satan is defeated! Satan is defeated! We win!
More recently, the Lord added:
Seek and you will find! Knock and doors shall be opened to you! More revelation awaits you!
God loves his people! He does not desire anyone to perish! His plans for us are good, not evil! He will bring us to his desired and expected end!
Don't miss any opportunity to be used of God! Walk through open doors in this season!
Today I am fired up even more so and I reiterate all of these things!
Minister Diane