Welcome Reader, strap in cause we are in for a ride.
Today's article topic may be one that ruffles feathers or confirms unsettling unctions from the Holy Spirit.
Currently, not only is social media infringing upon the sensitive minds of our youth by using Pavlov Dog techniques but also are aiming to mentally manipulate the public by making attacks upon the womb seem normal all while gunning down schoolhouses physically.
It's time for schooling to be brought back to the church house and out of the clutches of a fear mongering government with their unfiltered/experimental drug testing. We as mankind are not to be treated as lab rats but rather as fearfully and wonderfully made creations. That starts with standing against the wiles of the devil utilizing our shields of faith for our children beyond today's typical western beliefs. The Lord will issue out respective millstones but it is also time that we as God's people rise against today's godless governmental rulings and faceless puppeteers by standing against abortion which we know to be today's clean and sterile sacrifices to false gods and stand against mental and genital mutilation the world has dubbed as Sexual Reconstructive Surgery (SRS). There is no "Reconstructing" of God's creation; only the destruction of perfectly crafted youths that are crying out for correction and direction in this ever confusing and pervasive world-teachings from TikToks to mysterious digital forums that misconstrue truth and paints God's love and guiding word as meaningless works written on archaic tissue paper.
We as adults and elders need to rise to the occasion and come out of the "one-world" religion and tune into True and pure religion. No longer can we subscribe to divisive denominations. Our identities are either IN Christ Jesus or its time to recognize whose we truly are.
Thank you for your time and may the Lord Jesus Christ embellish us with His wisdom, strength, and boldness.
- H.E.Williams. Signing Off