Live Recording: 2-18-19 Diane will be joined by family member and Special Guest Pamela Woods to discuss Black History.
February is recognized as Black History month in the U.S. In reality every month should be dedicated to Black history not only in the U.S. but world wide if any recognition should to be given to Black History. Why? Because, the book of Genesis lets us know that mankind as we know it originated from Mesopotamic regions in the middle east, being Ethiopia,Egypt,Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Western Asia. Thats where the world was reformed and mankind was placed. Everthing that every man, women, boy or girl has done since then originated from God through people of olive, caramel, beige, light, dark brown and Black People and later lighter, more pale aka White people . At a certain point in history, God chose people (Isrealites) out of a group of people to be his people, not because of the color of their skin for all were people of color. He chose a people to be his people that they could be examples to the world of his nature, his goodness and his righteaousness. In doing this, he made a distinction between the righteous and the unrighteous, the pagans and the holy not between the color of their skin.
It was only after mankind began to seek to overthrough God's rule by invading the heaven's that God confused mans language which caused them to seperate into races. His original plan was that of unity. He has the same desire today, but he has expanded his invitation to all people that he may have a people that will enjoy his blessings for ever and ever without end, meaning eternally.
Because of mans rebellion, races were formed. Because of the races, racism began. Because of Racism, we have Black History Month in the U.S.
It would be great if all men could love God, live for him and overcome the effects of thousands of years of sin and rebellion. Sadly that is not going to happen. To combat the effects of racism, we must live the life God has ordained for each of us individually. All people come from Black people, some have lost their essence and color over time but figurativly speaking, Black men, women and children still make up the majority of human kind.
We must encourage and enfluence all mankind to live peacably and holy until God puts down the rebellion of sin once and for all. That will truly be a glorious day!
Minister Diane