10-13-15 Inventors are not alone with eZCom - SERIES 1 - How get recognized!

We are so proud of our strong relationship with eZCom Software, who is not only your go to for everything EDI, which is a must for inventors....but they've been in the industry long enough to know just about everything inventors need to know to be successful!  They have given a number of invaluable webinars through their platform, and they're now our resident expert and Innovation Divaz Co-host. 

In SERIES 1 in "Inventors are not alone with eZCom", Adele Rosenblum will share how to get your business or idea recognized to make it big!

You're going to want to tune in to this priceless series.  
We love Adele!!!

Meet Adele Rosenblum

As a sales person, experienced wholesale-to-retail account executive, customer service fanatic and a shopper, I have a unique perspective: understanding the challenges of manufacturers, retailers (online, catalog and bricks-and-mortar) as well as the end-user. While I am a non-technical person, I enjoy transforming EDI technology from uncomfortable and terrifying to understandable and rewarding. If I can do it, you can too!

At eZCom, I work with new manufacturers and inventors to get their product to market. Introducing them to the advantages of EDI and showing them how easy and fast eZCom's Lingo EDI software is really makes my day. And, not just startups, I like the challenge of helping experienced vendors who are EDI savvy but looking for a company that stands behind their product with the exceptional service and a smart EDI software application that literally cut hours of work out of their day.

For retailers of any size, understanding how to implement drop ship programs, compliance programs, testing, and custom features for their business model is where I excel. Getting their vendors up to speed quickly and accurately is always their priority. Mine too.

At eZCom, I am part of a true team - top down and bottom up, we operate with a high level of professionalism and respect. Not only do we truly care about ALL our clients but we are always looking for meaningful improvements to our software, customer support and service. As someone sympathetic to technology barriers and the myriad of problems that trading partners face, it's empowering to know that my company and coworkers have the exact same goals. eZCom has won multiple awards but our consecutive Stevie's for excellence in customer service just prove what our customers have known all along!

Click here to visit eZCom Software's website.  If you are interested in learning more about eZCom, Lingo EDI, cloud-based software, please call Adele at 201-731-1801. 

Listen to our interview with Adele Rosenblum LIVE on October 13, 2015 at 11:00 AM CST, or download the podcast at your convenience.


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