Teens are Sleep Deprived and Overexposed on Social Media


This week's show highlights:

  • Are our children sleep deprived?
  • The impact of parents oversharing on social media


Are our children sleep deprived?  Studies have shown that teens need 8-10 hours of sleep to function best, but sleep in adolescents has been in a steady decline. According to the National Sleep foundation 85% of teens get less than 8 hours of sleep per night.  A new study published also proves what many parents and teachers have been suspecting all along: sleep in adolescents has been in steady and significant decline for the past 20 years.  Less sleep leads to issues in concentration, poor student performance, difficulty solving problems, skin problems like acne, safety issues such as driving drowsy and can lead to aggressive or inappropriate behavior. Dr. John Schuen is director of pediatric pulmonology at Spectrum Health Helen DeVos Children's Hospital in Grand Rapids Michigan.  

Parents warn children "Behave what happens today will go viral tomorrow."  But what happens when parents overshare on social media? Are they putting their kids at risk?  Many of today's "helicopter" parents are failing to observe a "no fly zone" around their own children.  After warning children about the risks of oversharing on line, parents are actually the worst offenders. Recent studies have shown that parental oversharing on line and in social media, may present a long term health and safety risk for their children; information that stays with the child for life. Dr. Adelle Cadieux, pediatric psychologist, shares why she feels parents may be the culprits.


So pull up a chair, shake up a cocktail, and kick up your heels while you tune in to the refreshingly real talk about what it takes to be a functional - and fun - parent in today's wild world of raising kids.

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