This week's show highlights:
- Let your children live their own uniqueness
- Why driving imitates life
Rick Clemons makes ways for people to amp up their confidence and own their uniqueness to be fully self-expressed. "Be confident. Be unique. Be you," he says.
Rick is a Curator of Uniqueness, who encourages people to playfully and strategically dig into their life's closets, bringing out their uniqueness that is begging to be stimulated and integrated into their lives...but he does it differently!
Rick goes at this differently by hosting a safe and stimulating place for people to build confidence and give their uniqueness a try. Rick's humor, kick-butt attitude, and sincere devotion to people, keep his followers lit up and staying the course.
Rick knows the hard work of being confident and unique. He came out as a gay man at 38, with a wife and two kids. His work as a Life Strategist, Podcaster (The Coming Out Lounge), blogger (Huffington Post), and Author (Frankly My Dear I'm Gay: A Late Bloomers Guide To Coming Out) has proven his talent to guide people, out of hiding, into their own brilliant uniqueness.
Ken Hayes is the author of Drive Me to Think and will share with us how our driving says a lot about who we are. He also says our driving time should be a time of reflection.
So pull up a chair, shake up a cocktail, and kick up your heels while you tune in to the refreshingly real talk about what it takes to be a functional - and fun - parent in today's wild world of raising kids.
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