This week's show highlights:
- Six Things Moms Need to Do Before Starting A Business
- Social Media for Business
Danielle Tate is the founder and CEO of, a multimillion dollar online name-change company. As a female founder in her 20s she noticed that few business guides offered step-by-step advice to smart but inexperienced entrepreneurial woman. This void inspired Danielle to author Elegant Entrepreneur: The Female Founders Guide to Starting & Growing Your First Company to help other women find their place and flourish within the entrepreneurial world. Danielle is an entrepreneur, wife, mother, Pilates devotee, and name-change expert in her spare time. She is a frequent media contributor and has been interviewed on FOX National News, NBC DC News, KTLA-TV Morning News, Better TV, WBFF-TV Fox News, WBKO-TV ABC News, WJXT-TV News, and KTVK-TV "Good Morning Arizona", Forbes, CNN, Fast Company and more.
Carla McNeil, the leading social media manager and best-selling author helps you make money with your social media campaigns on Facebook LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube.
Before social media came along, Carla worked in everything from selling Avon products to teaching sewing to consulting in the hospitality industry. May sound like she's tried a bit of everything but every job, profession and career Carla's engaged in has been about networking and being social. That's what social media marketing is all about and it fits Carla to a T!
Trained by the best in internet marketing, Carla fast became a geek who loves to teach, especially when it comes to social media marketing. Along the way, Carla realized the power and fun of Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Discovered that chatting, networking and socializing on the internet is profitable . . . if you know what you're doing. Carla knows what she's doing.
She's helped her clients find customers and clients, build relationships, and sell more products and services with social media marketing. She can manage your social media marketing campaign or she can teach you how to do it yourself. It's up to you.
So pull up a chair, shake up a cocktail, and kick up your heels while you tune in to the refreshingly real talk about what it takes to be a functional - and fun - parent in today's wild world of raising kids.
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