This week's show highlights:
- Single moms do it all
- Blissful Parenting
Aria Craig is an Empowerment & Leadership Strategist: Award-Winning Author, Certified Coach/Consultant, Speaker, Entrepreneur, and MBA. Her core objective is to mentor, motivate and empower parents (particularly single, divorced or part of blended-family households) in developing strong leadership strategies that can transform the three most important aspects of their lives:
- Parenting (through support)
- Relationships (through guidance)
- Careers/Professional Development (through coaching)
In addition, she is the Award-Winning Author of The Single Mother DiariesTM, Volume 1: Tips and Wisdom on Being a Fabulous and Successful Single Mother and currently completing Volume 2: Tips and Wisdom on Being Career Savvy (available this Spring). In addition, she has developed several workshops for teen mentoring and also leadership development for parents aspiring to move into the next level of their careers. She is working on her next big venture for mothers entitled The M.I.L.E. Movement (Moms Influencing Leadership & Empowerment). She has been featured on several blogs and magazines with a mission of service to other parents who have a desire to transform their goals into results.
Sharon Ballantine has always felt that one of her missions in life was to be the best parent she could possibly be. She has raised three children and her greatest joy is being with them. She is a parenting coach, life coach and founder of The Ballantine Parenting Institute-her online course for parents. She has just completed her first book, "The Art of Blissful Parenting - Teaching Your Children How To Follow Their Internal Guidance" (Balboa Press, January 2016, available now through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and soon to independent bookstores) in which she guides parents on the practical and spiritual aspects of raising happy, self-reliant kids. Her core message is that by following our own Internal Guidance System and teaching our children to follow theirs, parents have more freedom and ease in their relationship with their children.
So pull up a chair, shake up a cocktail, and kick up your heels while you tune in to the refreshingly real talk about what it takes to be a functional - and fun - parent in today's wild world of raising kids.
Call in to join the conversation 877-864-4869