Guest for Wed. Aug. 25th 10am EST Lara Galloway - Mom Biz Coach

Lara Galloway - Mom Biz Coach



Lara Galloway has built a successful business by helping other women blend work and family priorities. Being a mom and an entrepreneur is a huge challenge for women who:

      Started their own businesses in hopes of getting the freedom, flexibility and fulfillment they wanted, but wound up working more than they ever did before they had kids

      Are masters of their craft or service, but lack the skills, expertise and resources required to successfully grow a business

      Don’t know how to create goals that support their business AND their family life

      Lack the support they need from their spouse, family and friends

      Never have enough time to do all it takes to run a family while running a business

      Fear marketing and sales and other core business processes required for business growth


Lara launched her business Mom Biz Coach to help mothers with their number one challenge: finding enough time to “do it all.” 


Galloway was recently featured in Forbes, is a sought after speaker and business coach, hosts a weekly radio show and is regularly featured in the national and international media.

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