The Value of Your Highs & Lows

Getting to Know Yourself & Learning Life Lessons

Once we learn to let go of certain expectations and appreciate life with all of the highs and lows it has to offer, we will then begin to feel more fulfilled with our own journeys. This week our guest Candy Leigh shares her own experiences with the highs and lows of working in a corporate setting, and how that played a role in her self image. She learned to appreciate the freedom that came with not having to report to someone for work, and used that to truly live a limitless life.

Candy Leigh is an author and women's empowerment coach who helps women who are experiencing life transitions to reclaim their power and joy. After 20 years in a fast-paced, upward-moving corporate career, she was laid off on her first day back from having a major back surgery. Finding herself reeling from the physical recovery of the surgery, the pain of a divorce and the shame of career loss, she decided to take a road trip to find herself again. Her plan was to write a book about others, but instead, her focus turned inward. Candy's resulting memoir/self-help book is a story that will help all women struggling on their own in between moments to open their arms and come home to themselves.

  “We need to really celebrate both the ups and the downs in life because we can’t have one without the other. The downs give us this opportunity to reflect and grow.”- Candy Leigh

What You’ll Learn from This Episode:

  • How Candy Leigh’s career challenged her self worth
  • The value of being present and spending quality time with your children
  • Generational differences in the response to national turmoil
  • How traveling helped Candy Leigh reflect on her own personal journey and life lessons  
  • Coming to the realization that there is no final destination in life
  • A better way to perceive the low points in your life
  • What Candy Leigh has planned for her future

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Effortless Happiness: How to Find Your Voice and Finally Ask For What You Really Want Paperback or Kindle copy.

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