Dina Proctor, Author of "Madly Chasing Peace"

 My guest on the show this week will be Dina Proctor, Best-selling Author of "Madly Chasing Peace: How I went from Hell to Happy in 9 Minutes a Day." Her story is SO inspirational you will want to run out and buy her book today! She went from being an alcoholic, depressed, unhealthy person to being the amazing, happy, fulfilled person she is today and just by meditating for 3 minutes, 3 times a day. 

You can change your life for the better and we want to show you how to do it! From weight loss and banishing addictive cravings to increasing productivity and abundance and even reconstructing relationships, this easy and yet incredibly effective method has caught the attention and support of Jack Canfield and Bruce Lipton, PhD, among others, and the media. 

Dina is an example of turning your journey into a mission - She's a mind-body connection coach, business productivity coach, inspirational speaker, and best-selling author. Her passion is showing people how practical and possible it is to transform your life, body and business in 9 minutes a day. 


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