Bringing Peace and Ease to Organization and Relocation

Downsizing The Silver Tsunami; Who to Call and Where Does the Stuff Go?

Downsizing can be an emotionally charged event, often required due to death or divorce, making it that much more painful. In this episode, Sharon McRill walks us through some of the key issues and concerns that need to be considered when facing this challenging transition. A little information and preparation well ahead of time can make a world of difference when the time comes to do it in your own life, or to help a loved one through the process.

Sharon McRill likes to help busy and overwhelmed people get things done. Owner and president of The Betty Brigade, an Ann Arbor-based organization and relocation company, Sharon and her team of "Betties" perform such projects as moving coordination, organizing and staging. Her book, "Downsizing the Silver Tsunami," is a comprehensive reference tool that you can refer to over and over to help you navigate the difficult pathways of moving and downsizing. 

"Our clients often call us angels." @bettybrigade

What You'll Learn From This Episode:

  • Why she chose the name "Betty Brigade" for her business

  • Sharon shares an insightful tip to help you discover a great business idea

  • How the Betty Brigade is able to work with clients remotely

  • How to know when it's time to start the downsizing process

  • Why there has been a massive cultural shift in beloved items not being handed down

  • Some differences between Millennials and Baby Boomers that impact downsizing choices 

  • The benefits of having the assistance of someone who understands the many working parts in the downsizing process

  • The top three essential pieces of information required before looking at what to do with your belongings

  • Why valuable items such as art might be devalued by appraisers

  • An important difference between a Trust and a Will that could spare your family unnecessary grief and financial cost

  • How the Betty Brigade is able to use your local services from a distance

  • Why the Betty Brigade doesn't work with every potential client

  • Some of the significant information covered in Sharon's book that makes it such a valuable resource

Featured on the Show:


The Book: Downsizing the Silver Tsunami: Who to Call and Where Does the Stuff Go?




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