Navigating the Trek through Life's Endings and New Beginnings

Passing through grief - turning your endings into beginnings 

In this episode, Natalia Volz shines a light on a topic that many of us are uncomfortable talking about. Endings and grief - whether it’s from divorce or death is an inevitable and difficult part of life. So when Natalia found herself widowed at 48 with three children and overwhelmed with grief, she knew that she had to find a way through her pain if she was to survive and thrive again. Her experience led her to a new purpose in life. She started Passing Through Grief to help others to not get stuck in the overwhelming grief but instead pass through it and then launch a new life of clear purpose and wholehearted living.

Natalia Volz helps people get right with their endings – whether it is the death, divorce, or illness of a partner or parent. Her expertise arose from first-hand experience when her husband died at the age of 49 after a two-year battle with pancreatic cancer, leaving her alone to raise their three children. Like so many who experience the death of a loved one, Natalia felt completely devastated, lost, alone and unclear as to how to navigate through the pain and get to the other side, where we can begin to rebuild our lives. In a culture that doesn’t like to talk about death and loss, Natalia found a way to move through her pain, and now guides people through the process of getting right with endings in their lives, often for an event that happened years earlier. Natalia is certified by the Grief Recovery Institute and is the author of Passing Through Grief.

"After experiencing loss - if you’re never able to get back to a place of peace then something was left unfinished after the ending that you need to work though.”  

What You’ll Learn from This Episode:

  • Endings and changes are a big part of life, so we must learn how to navigate these transitional periods

  • Our culture treats endings such as chronic or terminal illness, death (i.e. lost the battle) or divorce as a failure. With failure there is shame, guilt, regret and embarrassment. It is close to impossible to make positive change from a place of shame and guilt.

  • Self-compassion is an important act while moving through an ending, through all the feelings that arise and finding our way forward. 

  • Why our culture is more afraid of grief than death and how this belief left us ill-prepared to deal with grief and loss when it does occur.

  • The signs to look for that you or your loved one is still struggling and need help moving through their grief

  • With every ending comes a new beginning. Life is often referred to as a journey. Traversing a loss or difficult change is more of a trek. For a trek we need a guide to traverse the difficult terrain, to know where to stop and excavate into what happened, and to know when to move forward.

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