Petr Pacik, M.D., When Sex Seems Impossible.

My guest this evening is Peter Pacik, M.D. we will be discussing his book, When Sex Seems Impossible about vaginismus.  Dr. Pacik has been performing plastic surgery for over thirty years and is a recognized pioneer in helping patients overcome severe vaginismus. Vaginismus is a condition where women are unable to have intercourse without discomfort and in some cases it is  impossible. In 2010, he received FDA approval for his study using intravaginal injections of Botox together with progressive dilation under anesthesia to treat vaginismus.

Dr. Pacik and I met when I attended his SSSS - Society for Scientific Study of Sexuality, presentation in Henderson Nevada last year. Finally!!! I thought here is a treatment for these women that for years have ben told it is their heads, it is not it is in their pelvis.  As with all dyspareunia conditions, conditions where intercourse is painful or a woman has genital pain, this is a baffling and relationship destructive and prevetative condition that isn't very well understood. 

In his book, When Sex Seems Impossible; Stories of Vaginismus & How You Can Achieve Intimacy, Dr. Pacik describes case studies of woman and their experiences dealing with vaginismus.  The book's introduction says it all, Stories That Need to Be Told.  The reason is most physicians and even OB'GYNs have little to no awareness of how to treat much less understand if a patient presents with this condition.    The stories will touch your heart and stay with you.  So should you hear of a woman dealing with this you could be her angel and guide her to a physician who can actually help her.


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