Herpes Sex Ed 101 - Getting Sexually Savvy with dr. Gary Richwald

Gary Richwald, MD, MPH Dr. Richwald is a communicable disease specialist and clinical virologist. For twelve years from 1989 to 2000, he served as the Director of the Los Angeles County STD Program, the largest provider of sexual health and disease-related services in the United States. He is currently a consultant to the American Social Health Association in the area of viral diseases and Medical Advisor for the LA and Orange County HELP (HSV and HPV support) groups. Dr. Richwald has served as a CDC consultant in STDs, co-chair of the AMA Consensus Development Group on External Genital Warts and HPV infection, Chair, California STD Control Association, and has provided expert testimony to federal and the State of California legislative committees. He is the author of a number of publications in the area of STD diagnosis and treatment, HIV/STD prevention, human papillomavirus and herpes simplex virus infections, adult immunizations, resistant bacterial infections, evaluation of contraceptive methods, and the impact of immigration policy on communicable diseases.


1) What do people still not know about sexually transmitted Herpes?

2)  There are many types of Herpes which types do humans need to know about?  

3)  The impacts on how people feel about themselves after the have been diagnosed

4) What are the best search terms someone looking online to be tested for Herpes / STDs should use?

5)  I entered free herpes testing  - californiaherpes.com 
6)  Does Herpes lead to other STDs?

7)  How does herpes impact sexual function? 

8)  Does someone with herpes have to date / be sexual only with other people who have Herpes?

9)  What are the biggest issues the people in the Herpes Support groups deal with?

10) How does repressive Herpes therapy work?

11) What is the impact for women who want to get pregnant?  If they have Herpes / their partner has herpes? 

12) You mentioned that with each support group meeting you hear a comment or a question that you've never heard. Can you share some of those and help our listeners understand better?

13) Should everyone be tested and is there a best / better test?

14) Best ways to tell a new partner you have herpes?

15) Like HIV anonymous testing is there the same for Herpes?

16)  What are the legal ramifications of knowingly giving someone Herpes?

Herpes, genital herpes, STDs, Sex tests, Gray Richwald, Lou Paget,

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