The featured guest on this episode is Dr. James Gordon, Harvard-trained psychiatrist with 50 years of clinical experience,, who is also the Founder and Director of the Center For Mind Body Medicine. His work has been instrumental all over the world, from war-torn countries to sites of natural disasters and school shootings. He is truly a man in the field, and was even Chairman of the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy under Presidents Clinton and George W Bush.
This episode is filled with So. Much. Good. Info.
Dr. Gordon explains how the simple techniques in his latest book (The Transformation: Discovering Wholeness and Healing After Trauma) can reverse the psychological and biological damage of trauma.
He explains the biology behind trauma, the epigenetic impact, and how we ALL at one point,will experience trauma, if we haven't already.
If you are a human on this earth, you need to listen to this.
For a short transcript of the video highlights head to, but the full episode is absolutely worth listening to.
To find out more about Dr. James Gordon and his work, head to or His inspiring book is available wherever books are sold.
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