Essential Ahas for Authors in Publishing Show 9-24-2015

Dr. Judith Briles reveals more publishing and book marketing AHAs and Mistakes that too many authors make ... and how to fix them is this edition of AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing. The Book Shepherd will deep-dive into endorsements, how to set up pre-sales, gather reviews and so much more.

It's just you and Judith--listen and learn as she identifies the pitfalls that you will encounter and how to get yourself out of them when you hit them ... better yet, HOW TO AVOID authoring and publishing snafus and mistakes that can cost you huge amounts of money and suck your energy. 

Your take-aways include: 

-What endorsements count; how to get them; and which to avoid.
-Tips for Amazon pages.
-Tips for setting up pre-sales and how to gather them.
-The secret sauce of Author Central on Amazon.
-Key components that every author needs to start out on his or her publishing journey.
-Great ahas that will add to your book marketing mix.
-What every author should be immediately adding to their social medial profiles.
-What authors need to include in all all emails.

Another great show with The Book Shepherd, Dr. Judith Briles and AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing.

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