Honest Answers: Exploring God Questions with Your Tween w/ Janelle Alberts and Ingrid Faro

“When I pray for God to take the darkness away, why doesn't He answer my prayers?” 

“How come my parents got divorced?”

“Why is God letting Covid kill people?”

“God are you in it?” 

So many questions . . .

These are the kinds of questions that you might hear - and they make you sweat. 

It’s so significant for not only children, but all of us to ask it -check it -and live it! 

How many times in our faith - we don’t question, we don't dig deeper? WE move forward and get caught up in man-made rules, rather than checking it out ourselves? 

Somewhere between “Jesus Loves Me” and high school cynicism, the childlike acceptance of pat answers about faith is lost— Listen in . . .


C.S.Lewis: I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.

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