Girlfriendit Pandemic Parenting - STILL? w/ Jessica Pierce and Patty Lynn Wyatt

Parenting!!! It's supposed to be fun!

You have one child that excels academically, they love sports they have tons of friends and school is a breeze … 

You have another child who can’t stand anything that has the word ‘athletics’ in it. They struggle in school, only has one close friend- but they love all things creative!

Now add the pandemic on top of the different temperaments! 

Lean in and Breathe

This. Is. It:

 Key Tips: 

1.     Reframe your brain. Tell yourself how delightful is is to be their parent.

2.      Find ways to meet them through their Strengths and engage with them on their level.

3.     See them for who they are and adapt to their beautiful uniqueness.


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