Girlfriendit: Being a Relational Entrepreneur for Jesus - Wildenberg & Milam

Girlfriendit Radio with Patty and Lisa

Being a Relational Entrepreneur for Jesus - Wildenberg & Milam

Thursday, March 28, 2013 

LIVE at 12pm EST on Toginet Radio

Podcast will be available after show time on iTunes or check here at Girlfriendit Radio.

What is the first thing you do in the morning? Honestly, our mornings look more like a mad dash than an intentional ease into the day. What if we began each day with a prayer of availability (God, how can you use me this day?)? What would be different about our day if only we took a few seconds to ask this significant question? 

We can always come up with excuses of "why" we don't have time to join God where He is working and why we don't have the time to share His story. Opportunities are all around us, if we just take the time to be aware.

At Church recently, we were all given an envelope that had various denominations of money placed inside. We were challenged to go and release what was in our hand into our community with no strings attached and be a blessing to someone. Immediately, wanting to be a good steward of this "blessing", prayers of availability were said and we were on high alert for God's leading. It was a great opportunity to be a Relational Entrepreneur for Jesus!

Here's a couple of questions we want you to ponder and consider:

  • Do you avoid having conversations about Jesus or do you lean into them?
  • Are you actively looking for opportunities to join God?

Listen in this this week to Girlfriendit Radio with our two Relational Entrepreneurs, Lori Wildenberg and Anne Milam - both authors - both intentional with relationships. 

Remember small can be beautiful! Small talk can lead to a relational revolution! 

Make a dent in your corner and let it BLOOM from there.



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