Where the Wild Things Are ~ Champ Thornton and Patty Wyatt

Where The Wild Things Are

It’s scaaarrrrry - Fear of the dark - monsters in the closet - anxiety about going to bed – these are all relatively common in young children at some point during their childhood. Going to bed and turning out the lights can be a hard time for many children.  . . . EEEK!

How do you address your child's fears? How do we help them fall asleep and stay asleep?

Awesome Tips:

1. Read Psalm 23

2. Check out this book, “Why Do We Say Good Night.” Where Champ Thorton host of “In the Word, On the Go“        shares, “as a parent, I know that especially with little children, bedtime can be a scary time. It’s dark, and they’re left in their room by themselves. Nightlights are helpful, but it’s the light of God’s Word that shines the brightest in these moments. When our kids were little, I wanted them to know that the Lord was with them; he is the good Shepherd who loves his sheep. And he’s the one who made the dark; nighttime was his very good idea. This book is something that parents can read to very young children at bedtime to gently acknowledge their fears and point their hearts to the Lord.”

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