Sergio Sedas, Intentional Possibility

Join Joyce on SecondWind today as she speaks with Dr. Sergio William Sedas. Dr. Sedas is a bestselling author and is recognized internationally as a high-human potential trainer. He implements intentional possibility to bring about positive transformation in life, communities, and organizations. He has received two Master’s and a PhD in robotics from Carnegie Mellon University. While he was there he worked on the initiative DANTE, which was the first robot in history to enter a LIVE volcano in Antarctica. 

Through it all he has maintained a passion for education and was led to one of the leading Technological Universities in Monterrey Mexico. There, he was the Head of the Mechatronics academic program and the Director of Strategic Programs where he launched initiatives that inspire freshman into Active Learning. 

Today they will discuss intentional possibility, and how we all possess the Power of Possibility. Dr. Sedas will also enlighten listeners today on the six steps to creating possibility. 

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