Find out how to feel good (while getting in shape?) with guest Oonagh Duncan


Oonagh Duncan is a multi-award-winning Fitness Expert specializing in helping women in their 40s get lean, strong and healthy.

Her unique approach has resulted in international media attention, speaking engagements and - most importantly - five star reviews from the thousands of people who have changed their lives through her programs. Oonagh is the founder and head trainer for Fit Feels Good Inc, which recognizes that fitness is not about a number on the scale but about feeling good. Because if you want to reach your highest potential and generally kick ass at life - it starts with feeling good right NOW.

- Why most women get mushy and muffin top-y in their 40s - but you don't have to.

- The dietary changes that women MUST make after 40 for optimal health.

- The exercises that most women after 40 are doing that are freaking useless (and possibly even harmful ) - and what to do instead.

- How to manage hormonal shifts - and emerge sexier than ever ;) 

- How to make this healthy living stuff WAY easier - so you don't go crazy.

Want to find out more? Check out her website and get:

Want more information about health for women in their 40s on her webinar, "How To Get Lean, Stay Healthy and Generally Kick Ass In Your 40s!" 

 Or Get 3 free healthy recipes for women in their 40s and 50s 

Or a $100 discount to her program for women in their 40s and 50s.

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