How could faith possibly lead to your personal success? Guest Julie Flippin explains how.

Guest Julie Flippin, business strategist, trained as a psychotherapist, dynamic international speaker, and author, works with passionate business owners to help them build the businesses they are dreaming of.

She share that "in order to truly live a life filled with JOY we have to connect to something 'greater than ourselves'.  And how that ultimately impacts our lives and businesses."

"I was 41 when I hit my 'bottom'.  I was emotionally, physically, mentally and financially bankrupt.  My choice, as I understood it at that time was to give up and live a life as a drunk or take a leap of faith and step into the unknown, terrified and feeling completely broken.  The morning I found enough 'hope' left in me to reach out for help my life changed in such an extraordinary way that was more than I was capable of imagining!"- Julie Flippin

"I offer a 30 minute complimentary call to people who are feeling stuck and are ready to step into their lives/businesses by finding out their Joy and Gifts and combine them to reach financial success.

The sign up is on my website.

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