Stories from the Real World - Re-Entering the dating world - Di Paget


Dede Paget

Stories from the Real World - re-entering the dating world - Anecdotal Examples

Rather than just say"Do x, try y I want to give people concrete examples of what are great behaviors you need to put on your radar to ease you into a new social life and the next part of your life.                        
When relationships end one goes through a mourning period and then at some point one lifts their head and looks at" Okay I want to get back out in the dating world.

1) How important do you think the 'THE LIST" is?  What needs to be on it?  What doesn't?    Draft two lists one about them and one about you. Importance of cleanliness!!!

2) What are the mistakes you have watched your girlfriends and male friends make when looking for a partner. 
Maria - anger
Diane - weight and inappropriate attachment
Hanging out with angry other women
Making it be all about them
Working too hard - I can do it all - message of I don't need anyone
I'll pay for myself - need to create a space for a partner to show up

3)  Do you think people's 'pickers' get better with age or do they keep choosing the same person/

4)  Do they need a vibrational tune-up?  You know have them looking for what they want NOT what they don't want.
After menopause For some women the person they fall in love with is another woman and that stuns them

5)  Importance of presentation - Dating doctors,  Should you wax? no bruised fruit

6)  What are the most important behaviors to look for?   Did you ever ignore warning signs?   I sure did.

7)  What is the best gift someone could give you?  Why?

8) What are the different issues a woman deals with when dating a man is 50 + and how to handle these issues?  ED  libido loss, stress, Kendra describes having sex with a guy on viagra like being with a battering ram and NOT in a good way.   Your body has changed may need more stimulation / lubricant.  You don't use it you'll lose it  

This is about communication !!  

9)  Heard a great way to have a man who watches porn keep himself connected to his partner and that is to fantasize about her, or use memories of her so when you orgasm the reward circuitry in your brain downloads about her and not the image on the screen. 

10)  Protection is key when dating.

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