Who ARE the people we leave in our kid's locker room? With Guest Dr.. John Mayer Oct. 2, 2011

IT's DAD-Day!!  That one day of the month that we honor parenting from a DAD's Perspective!

Today's guest and our DAD of The Month is: 


Dr John Mayer, author of Family Fit and Nogginpower


The horror that struck parents and schools all over the country when Penn State announced the Sandusky Sex crimes started a wave of uproar and anger that engulfed a nation.  How could parents let this happen?  Why didn't anyone tell?  Why didn't anyone know!?  Who investigates these coaches?  How can we stop this from happening again?

Yet millions of children started school or community sports this fall and I'd bet very few parents know about the qualifications or background of their coaches.  Did you know that volunteer coaches outnumber school employee coaches 6 to 1 in this country?  And the US has no regulation of qualifications for volunteers!  

Join in the conversation as my guest and I discuss this very real and very scary topic of coaches and other volunteers in our children's lives as well as how to open up conversations with our kids that keep us all in the know without turning our kids into "victims" or making them feel threatened.

We would love to hear your perspective on this topic too!  Call in and speak your mind or ask a question today between 11am - 12 noon EST!  The number to dial is: 877-864-4869

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