Success Profiles Radio 12/09/19 show

Earl Bell was this week's guest on Success Profiles Radio. He is the author of the book "Winning In Baseball And Business: Transforming Little League Principles Into Major League Profits For Your Company". We talked about what he learned about business from coaching little league baseball.

We also discussed the importance of having a burning reason WHY for everything you do and what can happen when you don't. We also talked about the importance of having a strong team culture and how to develop that, as well as what makes a great leader, and why some companies don't develop their staff or invest in their people.

In addition, we discussed the five ways to assess risk and whether or not to take one, the power of persistence, how he started his speaking career, reducing employee turnover, and overcoming the fear of public speaking.

Finally, we discussed coaching, masterminds, and planning weekend retreats. We talked about so much more on the show. You can subscribe on iTunes anytime. You can also listen to any episode the show at

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