Girlfriendit: The Path with Laurie Beth Jones


Girlfriendit Radio with Patty and Lisa

 The Path – Laurie Beth Jones

 Thursday, May 9, 2013

 LIVE at 12pm EST on Toginet Radio

 Podcast will be available after show time on iTunes or check here at Girlfriendit Radio.

Are you on the right path? What do others say you are good at? Who is living the life you most desire? If you knew you could not fail, what would you be doing?

Here at Girlfriendit we want to help you Find It and Live It. Throughout the years we have been asked repeatedly what the "IT" on GirlfriendIt means. The "IT" reminds us to stay "In Truth". How does your mission in life measure up to God's word? Your "IT" is that divine sweet spot where you're using your God given gifts, experiences, passion, and personality to make a dent in this world!

When you read about it, it sounds easy, but discovering it and then living it can be frustrating and challenging.

That is why we need our Girlfriends:

to process it,

to try it,

to experience it with us!

This week we have an expert Girlfriend who has found it and is living it so she can share it with us!! Don't miss IT! 

Laurie Beth Jones, best-selling author and motivational speaker, will join us this week on Girlfriendit Radio. She transforms lives one mission at a time through her visionary leadership programs and training products. We gobbled up her books, The Path and Jesus CEO!




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